
Uppnosed tigerrr

(I found this image in an old map in my old computer so I can't give you any background or source)

1 kommentar:

Paula sa...

"Uppnosed tigerrr" is deformed due to inbreeding. Inbreeding is the only way white tigers are produced. It's surprising this one has survived, 80% of white tigers either die of birth defects, are still-birthed, or are destroyed because their birth defects make them unusable as entertainment. The white tiger is not an endangered species, it isn't a species of it's own at all. It's an aberration, a genetic defect that has captured the attention of the public for many many years. That same public has been conned into believing the 'white tiger' is an endangered species, so to hide the grizzly nature behind the breeding, mistreatment and destruction of these creatures for profit.