
Abeunt studia in mores

So, I figured I ought to start a blog. Again. I spend to much time just googling words, definitions, phrases etc. to satisfy my curiosity, which is - I allow myself to say - almost limitless, without archiving my finds. I am not that type of creature that accept things as they are presented to me; I always find something peculiar that generates more and more questions. Mind you, these questions may be of no interest at all for others but I happily indulge in my greedy quest to know some more.

Of course, not everything is uninteresting. I'd like to think that I learn many extraordinary facts. Therefore I tend to spam my acquaintances with links, photos and whatever I feel can enchant them. This is basically the reason why I decided to blog; to pretend that there are beings interested in what I find interesting. Now I feel kind of egocentric...but again, aren't we all?

Oh, and by the way. The title of this first post (abeunt studia in mores) is my favorite latin phrase at the moment. It meens (well, at least it is supposed to meen) through study carachter grows. I thought it was a suitable title for a blog of this kind...

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